Prophet Muhammad

A great thing happened in the year 571 A.D. (The Christian Era). Muhammad, the last prophet, was born in Mecca 571 years after the prophet Jesus. His father was Abdullah, who died before his birth. He lost the mother, Aminah, when he was only 6 years old. He married Khadijah when he was 25 years old. She was a noble lady of Mecca. He lived for 63 years. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 A.D. when he was 40. At that time the Arabic people were idol worshippers. For 25 years he preached the message of truth. Muhammad invited the people to return to Islam.

Translation: Sesuatu hal besar terjadi di tahun 571 Masehi. Muhammad Nabi terakhir lahir di Makah tahun 571 setelah kelahiran Nabi Isa. Ayahnya, Abdullah, telah meninggal sebelum kelahirannya. Dia kehilangan Ibu, Aminah, ketika ia baru umur 6 tahun. Dia menikah dengan Khadijah ketika dia berumur 25 tahun. Dia (Khadijah) adalah seorang perempuan bangsawan dari kota Makah. Dia (Muhammad) hidup/tinggal selama 63 tahun. Dia menerima wahyu pertama dari Allah pada tahun 611 Masehi ketika ia berumur 40 tahun.  Pada waktu itu, masyarakat Arab adalah penyembah berhala. Dia menyebarkan risalah Allah selama 25 tahun. Muhammad mengajak manusia untuk kembali pada Islam. 

to happen         : terjadi                        Prophet            : nabi               Birth                : kelahiran       
Noble               : bangsawan                 Revelation       : wahyu            Idol                  : berhala          
to worship        : menyembah               Message           : risalah            to preach          : menyebarkan
Truth                : kebenaran                  born                 : lahir              
B.C (Before Christ)      = Sebelum Masehi                   A.D (Anno Domini)     = Setelah Masehi


1.      Who is Muhammad? the last prophet
2.      Are there any other Prophet beside Muhammad? Yes, there are.
3.      When was Muhammad born? In year 571 A.D.
4.      Who was born fist? Muhammad or Isa? Isa
5.      Where was Muhammad born? Mecca
6.      What was his father’s name? Abdullah
7.      What was his mother’s name? Aminah
8.      Who died first? His mother or his father? His Father
9.      How old was he when his mother died? 6 years old
10.  How old was he when he married Khadijah? 25 years old
11.  When did Muhammad die? How old was he? 634 A.D – 63 years old.
12.  What happened in 611 A.D.? Muhamad received the first revelation from Allah
13.  What do you know about Arabic people of that time? They were idol worshippers
14.  How long did Muhammad invite people to accept Islam? 25 years
15.  What does “Message of truth” mean? Wahyu

1.      They are five characters mentioned in the text            2. In relation to the prophet, they are his.
(1). Muhammad                                                           (1). Abdullah
(2). Isa                                                                         (2). Aminah
(3). Abdullah                                                               (3). Khadijah
(4). Khadijah                                                               (4). Isa
(5). Aminah
3.      The story happened in Mecca
4.      There are some events mentioned. They are:
1). 1 A.D.                    : Isa’s birth.
2). 571 A.D.                : Muhammad’s birth.
3). Before 571 A.D      : The Christian Era
     ( a few years before 571 A.D.)
4). 577 A.D.                : Aminah died
5). 596 A.D.                : Muhammad married
6). 611 A.D.                : Muhammad received the first revelation from Allah
7). 634 A.D.                : Muhammad died

Reference in semantics is the relationship between words and the things action event and qualities they stand for.
1.      He was born ……………                     He refers to Muhammad
2.      He lost his ……………                        He refers to Muhammad
3.      He married Khadijah ……………        He refers to Muhammad
4.      She was a noble lady ………….          She refers to Khadijah
5.      In that time Arab people ……….         In that time refers to in 611 A.D

1.      We believe that Muhammad is the last prophet.
2.      He born in Mecca.
3.      Jesus is also prophet Who was born before Muhammad.
4.      Aminah is Muhammad mother who died when he was 6 years old.
5.      The student of the Faculty of dakwah practice how to invite people to Islam.
The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responded favorably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In 622 A.D. Muhammad migrated to Medina. It was in the 12th year of his prophet-hood. In Medina he was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. There he established the foundations of the relation among Muslim people and between Muslim and non-Muslim people in general.
The Islamic calendar began from the time of migration. Migration in Arabic is Hijrah. In Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina he tried to establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to preach Islam in Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.
A short time after his death, the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world. Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific development. Today, about 1.000 million Muslims all over the world accept Islam.
Orang Arab diajak oleh Muhammad untuk menerima Islam. Ada beberapa yang menanggapi dengan senang hati, tetapi sebagian besar dari mereka menolak Islam. Mereka juga melawannya. Pada tahun 622 Masehi Muhammad berpindah ke Madinah. Itu merupakan 12 tahun kenabiannya.  Dia diterima di Madinah sebagai pemimpin Negara islam. Disana ia mendirikan hubungan yang mendasar antara sesama orang Muslim dan antara Muslim dengan orang non-Muslim secara umum.
Kalender Islam dimulai dari masa berpindah (Nabi). Perpindahan di bahasa arab disebut Hijrah. Di Mekkah ia mencoba menegakkan kepercayaan pada satu tuhan di antara orang Arab. Di Madinah ia mencoba mendirikan sebuah kehidupan social di antara banyak orang yang berbeda. Ia meneruskan untuk menyebarkan Islam di Madinah. Ia bekerja dengan kesabaran tiada tara dan kebijakan yang luar biasa.
Waktu yang singkat setelah kematiannya pesan Islam telah menyebar ke sebagian besar dunia. Islam menyumbangkan sejarah dunia. Islam juga memberikan sumbangan untuk peradaban dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Hari ini ada 1.000 juta (1 Milyar) Muslim lebih di dunia menerima Islam.
1.       Did Arabic people accept Islam?...(Yes, they did)
2.       When did Muhammad migrate to Medina?...(in 622 A.D.)
3.       What year was it according to the Islamic calendar?...(634-644A.D.)
4.       What was he in Medina?...(Yes, he was)
5.       What did the prophet do in Medina?...(there he preach Islam)
6.       When did the Islamic Calendar begin?...(In 622 A.D, when Muhammad migrated to Medina)
7.       When did he do during the Mecca period?...( 622 A.D)
8.       How far was the spread of Islam after his death?...(23 year)
9.       What is the Islamic contribution to the world?...( Islam contributes to world history and it also contributes to civilization and scientific development)
10.    How large is the Muslim population today?...( Today, about 1,000 million Muslims all over the world accept Islam)
1.       The characters in the text are :
1) (Muhammad)
2) (The Arab people)
2.       The events mentioned in the text :
1) (the Arab people)..were invited…(by Muhammad to accept Islam)
2) (some)..responded or rejected…(Islam)
3) (Muhammad)..migrated…(to Medina)
Fill in the blanks with the events mentioned in the text :
4) There are he…(established the foundations of the relation among Muslim people and between Muslim and non-Muslim people in general)
5) The Islamic calendar …( began from the time of migration)
6) in Mecca he…( tried to establish belief in one God among Arabic people)
7) Muhammad…( continued to preach Islam in Medina)
8) He…( worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom)
9) The message of Islam…( worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom)
10)  Islam…( contributes to world history)
3.       The setting of the text :
1)      Time    : (in 622 A.D.)         (in the 12th year)
2)      Place    : (Mecca)
1.      Some responded…(favourably)..                          : … (to world history)
2.      ...(favourably)...but most of them..(rejected)…    : … (unmatched patience)
3.      They also…(turned against)… him                       : … (of prophet-hood)
4.      It was in the 12th year...(of prophet-hood)…        : … (rejected)
5.      There the Islamic state was...(accepted)               : … (turned against)
6.      He worked with...( unmatched patience)…         : … (favourably)
7.      A short time after his death...(the message)...      : … (accepted  )
8.      It also cotributes..(to world history)...                  : … (the message)
( or with words which have similar meaning to the words in the text)
1.      Are you...(migrated) the party on sunday?
2.      Those who..(accepts)… Islam will get lost.
3.      During the war, a lot of people ...(established)… to the more peaceful countries.
4.      The academic...(acception)… begins in July each year.
5.      After graduating from high school we can...(continued)... our study at university.
6.      The country is now undergoing a five-year…(foundation)... Plan.
7.      As good Muslims we have to..(contribute)... some of our property to the poor.
8.      Do you ..(belief) God?
9.      In the modern era we have to develop...(scientific)…and technology.
10.  Every Muslim has a responsibility to…(preach)… Islam.

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