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Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah : Bahas Inggris (grammer)
Dosen pengampu :
B-ELK Semester Genap

Disusun Oleh Kelompok 3:

Syaifuddin              (1510120046)
Khoerul Mu’arif      (1510120051)
Faza                         (1510120071)


            A Muslim believes in allah and he expresses his belief in words, plants it in the heart and actualizes it in deed. This faith is expressesd in detail by two kinds of expression : general and specific.
            As a general faith, a muslim believes in allah with all His names and attributes,and he accepts all his commands. There are ninety-nine attributes and names of allah and a muslim  believes in all his attributes . Allah is All-Powerful, The All-Knowing  and The Creator of the universe . A muslim regards him as the only Ruler and Master . A muslim has to depend upon allah’s mercy alone.
            A specific faith or faith in detail is that a Muslim believes in allah, His angels,His Holy books,all of His prophets,the  day of judgement and life after death,and in the fact that good and evil all come from Him . A true Muslim believes in all of these articles of faith, and follows the last prophet in the action. The teaching of the last prophet is known in full detail; either it is written in the Qur’an , the final book, or in sunnah. The faith gives human beings peace and security.

Faith                :           Keimanan
Deed               :           Perbuatan
To express      :           Menyatakan
Attribute        :           sifat
To plant          :           Menanamkan
To regard        :           menganggap
To actualize    :           Mengamalkan/mempraktekkan
To depend      :           tergantung, menggantungkan

I.                    ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS.

1.      What is the mean by Muslim?
2.      How can belief be expressed?
3.      What is General faith?
4.      How many attributes does God have?
5.      Mention some of God’s attributes!
6.      How does a muslim regard God?
7.      What is specific faith?
8.      What are the article of faith?
9.      What should a muslim do withs this faith?
10.  Where can we find the teaching of islam?

II.                  TEXT DISCUSSION.
1.      The definition of faith:……………………….
2.      The kind of faith:………………………………,…………………………….
3.      Examples of the first kind:……………………,……………………..
4.      Examples of the second kind:………………….,……………..,…………..,…………………
5.      The aim of faith:……………………….……….
6.      The procedure of achieving the aim:………………………………
7.      The identity of a muslim:………………………………….

Fill in the blanks with words from the text.
1.      Muslims……………….their belief trough good behviour.
2.      In………………every student should know his rights and duties.
3.      A muslim ……………… In God and attributes.
4.      If we …………….the teaching of islam, wehave to ………..the commands of allah.
5.      Human being should responsiblefor their life in the…………………..
6.      Wecan not see …………….. because they were createdas spiritual beings.
7.      There are five …………… islam and six in faith.
8.      …………… the main foundation of islam.
9.      If we believe in …………… we hve to follow  the last prophet’sexample.
10.  Belief and good conduct can leadus to ……..…and………

IV.                GRAMMER IN FOCUS
There are four verb forms.They are :
From  (F)   1: go, study, open, eat
From          2: going,studying, opening, eating
From          3: went, studied, opened, ate
From          4: gone, studied, opened, eaten
Verbal Group : to create a special meaning
Have/has    + F4      : telah …………(perfect tense)
Be    +   F4    : di ……(passive)
Be    +   F2     : sedang ….(continuous tense)
Have/has  +  been  +  F4 : telah di…(perfect passive)
Have/has  +  benn  + F4 : telah dan masih sedang……(perfect continuous)
-          The faith is expressed in detail………….
-          The teaching of the last prophet is known………
-          The teacing is written in the Qur’an and ……..
-          The students are reading bokks in the library.
-          They have finised reading two books.
-          The two books have been returned for trhee hours.
Translate the word in italics above in to indonesian

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