Al Quran Bahasa Inggris


Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah : Bahasa inggris Reading
Dosen pengampu : Alfu Nikmah, M.Pd
B-ELK Semester Genap


Disusun Oleh Kelompok 6 :

1.    Tri Noviyanto                                 ( 1510120052 )
2.    Echtavia Maula Shifa                     ( 1510120066 )
3.    M. Rois khafiluddin                     (1510120041 )



    The Qur’an is the book of Allah. Every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah. It is a book of Guidance. It is preserved in its original form. Not a single word of it has been changed or lost. It is found today exactly as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). How was the Qur’an revealed to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) ? Allah revealed the Qur’an through the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel passed on Allah words to Muhammad (p.b.u.h), then Muhammad (p.b.u.h) asked his secretary to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
    The revelation was completed over a period of 23 years. Some Muslims learn the whole of the Qur’an by heart, but all Muslims learn parts of the Qur’an by heart. It is preserved through memory as well writing. It was written down from the very beginning. Allah has given His protection to it and it will always be preserved. Nobody can change it, as was said by Allah, “Allah sent it and will protect it”.
     Al Qur’an adalah kitab Allah. Setiap kata dalam Al Qur’an adalah perkataan Allah. Kitab tersebut dijadiikan sebagai pedoman. Al Qur’an terjaga keaslian bentuknya.Tidak ada satu kata dalam Al Qur’an yang terubah atau hilang. Al Qur’an pada hari ini persis seperti apa yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Bagaimana Al Qur’an dwahyukan kepada nabi Muhammad S.A.W ? Allah mewahyukan Al Qur’an melalui malaikat Jibril. Malaikat Jibril menyampaikan kalam Allah kepada nabi Muhammad S.A.W, kemudian nabi Muhammad S.A.W meminta sekertarisnya untuk menulis persis apa ynng diajarkan jibril kepadanya.
     Wahyu itu sempuurna turun selama 23 tahun. Beberapa kaum muslim menghafalkan seluruh Al Qur’an, tetapi semua kaum muslim menghafalkan bagian Al Qur’an. Kaum muslim menjaga Al Qur’an melalui ingatan dan menulisnya. Al Qur’an tertulis dari awal. Allah memberikan perlindungan-Nya untuk Al Qur’an dan Al Qur’an akan selalu ternjaga. Tak seorangpun dapat mengubahnya. Allah berfirman “Allah menurukankan Al Qur’an dan Dia melindunginya”.

To preserve = menjaga, melestarikan    to complete = menyempurnakan
Exactly       = persis, tepat                     to pass on = menyampaikan
To change   = mengubah                       to protect = melindungi
To reveal    =   mewahyukan                 to learn by heart = menghafalkan


1.     What is the Qur’an ? ... The Qur’an is the book of Allah
2.     What does it cortain ?... Contain in the Qur’an is the word of Allah
3.     Is there any change in the Qur’an or is it still original ?... Yes, Qur’an is stll original
4.     How did Allah send the Qur’an to Muhammad ?... Allah revealed the Qur’an through the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel passed on Allah words to Muhammad
5.     What did the Angel Gabriel do with the Qur’an ?... Angel gabriel passed on Qur’an to prophet muhammad
6.     What did the prophet Muhammad do at the time when the Qur’an was revealed ? Muhammad asked his secretary to write revelation down exactly what Gabriel told him
7.     After how long was the revelation completed ?... Muslims learn the whole of the Qur’an by heart
8.     Do all muslims learn parts of the Qur’an by heart? What parts do you think?... Yes, all muslims learn part of the Al Qur’an by heart, and part is a short letter in the Qur’an
9.     How was the Qur’an preserved ?... Al Qur’an preserved through memory as well writing
10.                        Was the Qur’an guaranteed to be original forever? Explain... Yes, because Allah has given His protection to it and it will always be preserved. And nobody can change it

II.                TEXT DISCUSSION
Complete the following blanks.

11.                        The definition of the Qur’an : ...... (The Qur’an is the book of Allah. Every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah)
12.                        The function of the Qur’an :....... (Al Qur’an is a book of Guidance)
13.                        The way it was preserved : .....(Al Qur’an is preserved through memory as well writen)
14.                        The  length of time over which it was revealed :....    (The revelation was completed over a period of 23 years)

Fill in the blanks with words from the text.

15.                        The Qur’an .........through the memory of muslim people and writing. (preserved)
16.                        God .........the Qur’an through the Angel gabriel. (revealed)
17.                        The .........of the prophet wrote the Qur’an down in its original from. (secretary)
18.                        The Qur’an God was it was said in the Qur’an. (sent)
19.                        The sarjana (S-1) study program can ......... in 5 to 7 years. (completed)

IV.            REFERENCE
1.     It is preserved in its original form.
It :....................................... (Al Qur’an)
Its:...................................... (Al Qur’an)
2.     Muhammad asked his secretaries to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
His :.................................... (Muhammad)
Him :................................... (Muhammad)
3.     Allah has given His protection to it an it will always be preserved.
His :.................................. (Allah)
It :..................................... (Al Qu’an)

V.               GRAMMAR IN FOCUS
Personal Pronoun
    The personal pronoun is a set of pronoun which represent the grammatical category of person, and which in English is made up of: I, you, he, it, we, they and their derived forms (e. g. me, yours, him, his, hers, etc)

a.     Fill in the blank with appropriate personal pronouns.
1.     Ahmad is a good student.....studies in I.A.I.N. Walisongo.(he)
2.     Anisah is a brilliant student......comes from Pati. (she)
3.     They study hard. Both of.......are bright students. (them)
4.     ...... am happy to have friends like...... (i) and (you)
5.     We are all friends, and study together. (we)
6.      This book belongs to Ahmad. about education. (it)
7.     There are a lot of books in the library. ......can be borowed by students.(they)
8.     The book with a red cover belongs to Anisah, ....... is about psychology.(it)
9.     Ali sometimes lends me ...... books amd Anisah lends me ...... books. They lend me ..... books. (his), (hers), (theirs)
10.          Can you lend ...... your books? (me)

b.     Replace the word in italics with appropriate personal pronoun
1.     Fatimah sent Ahmad a book yesterday  (she sent him)
2.     This book is about theology. (its)
3.     The book was bought by you and I always read that book.(we)
4.      Amir and Susi went to the library to borrow the book.(they), (its)
5.     You can invite Ani and me to come to your party. (us)

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